Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dearest Kitty,

Okay, the gig's up. How many of you knew this wouldn't last? Ahh, just as I thought. 105% of you people thought I would fail. Well guess what!? You were right!

Hahaha. Okay, seriously now. I know I haven't written in a while. But the thing is, I didn't really have anything to write about. I live a pretty dull life. It's summer holiday which I am spending taking a math course. The other day, I went to this sweet little comic book store and just sat there reading Doctor Who and Battle Star Galactic comic books. I know. How lame am I? I've done nill that's even interesting to write about. Which of course got me thinking.

If my life is as bland as I believe it to be, than why haven't I killed myself yet? (Sorry for the morbid thought, but I'm trying to make a point). Because my life isn't dull. It isn't bland, but it can be boring. Like every novella (I always fancied that word), my life has a plot but it also has some boorish parts. Just like the unabridged version of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. He spends like 40 pages describing one character. And that is exactly like my life. I have a plot with ups and downs. But I also have those chapters that you just want to skip over because nothing really suspenseful or exciting happens during them. But you read them anyway (or at least I do). And you read them because it's still part of the story. It sets the foundation for everything. Besides life would become dull if everything was exciting or perfect. Life isn't just an action adventure.

Which is exactly why I'm content with my life. It's because I do the things I love and I don't worry about not seeming so very interesting on paper. I may be the most dull person you've ever met in your life, but I'm probably having more fun being dull just because I enjoy it. Now I could say something extremely cliche here like "Live life to the fullest" but I really don't want to ruin a perfectly good post.

I guess my point is that life isn't always perfect and it doesn't always work out right. But that's okay. It really really is. Because you learn from that stuff and it makes life less predictable.

Let's look at the Star Wars saga (I'm talking about the old school Episodes 4,5, and 6, not 1,2, and 3, those weren't very good). Life is like Episode 5. Where the Empire strikes back. Of course evil wins that round and of course Luke loses his hand and of course its a very dark movie. Which it should be. It wouldn't be as good as it is if it ended happily. I'm not really sure what my point is anymore since I kind of got distracted....

Well I hope that's a suitable post for now and until next time,


(I did actually sign diary entries as XOXO in elementary school, guess I was always a dork)