Monday, June 16, 2008

Neon, Baby

In my experience with blogs, lots of writers can easily get caught up in their own musings and quickly turn pretentious and come off sounding pompous. Or, they just get plain silly and downright ridiculous. Me, being new at this, have not yet picked a style. I'd like to say that I am capable of breaking all stereotypes and just being me, but that's a really hard thing to do now-a-days.

What does it take to be pretentious? Or silly? Not much apparently. I wish I could say that I've read the Handbook on how to be a good blogger, but I have a feeling there is no such thing. I guess the point I'm trying to get across is that, you, the person reading this, really shouldn't expect that much from me. Heck, I don't even have expectations for myself. Sometimes you get so completely caught up in blogging something cool or interesting that what you're saying suddenly starts to lose meaning. Words are powerful things and that's easily forgotten.

I don't know what to expect from this blog. Is it like a diary? A place for me to vent my feelings? I'm reminded of my diary I kept in elementary school. I remember, I had recently finished The Diary of Anne Frank and I was very keen on starting a diary just like Anne did. So I raced home and found an empty journal and wrote the date. Than I decided to name my diary, just like Anne, and being the creative elementary schooler that I was, I named my diary Kitty. Just like Anne. Anyways, I felt like I couldn't just start pouring out my soul without some kind of introduction so I started some long-winded speech about my name and my birthday and my parents and all my family history. Over the years, I'd had many journals and diaries and every time I started a new one, I always began with a formal "Hi my name is....." kind of thing. I never really understood why either. Why am I introducing myself to a bunch of lined paper? How in the world does that make sense?

Unfortunately, I was never able to be quite consistent with my diaries, and I hope that I might be different with this blog. Of course, if I think about this as a blog and not a diary, I might write more consistently. Or I might revert back to my old ways. I guess I won't really know till later on, but to attempt to ensure success, I began this when I have a lot of free time. So hopefully I won't be a completely lazy person and actually gain some consistency. :P

I can't wait.

Anyways, that's it for now.
It's neon baby.


makm said...

So summer is a boring time
and I wish more stuff would happen
cuz it's lame
and as we speak (read: I type) I should be doing laundry and chores and stuff like that. but, of course, why on earth would I want to do that??
so instead I'm commenting on your blog!!! yay!

Tai said...

hahah thanks!! i felt extremely estatic (i think i spelled that wrong) when i saw somebody had commented on something. you made my day :)

summer is pretty boring.. :(

makm said...

haha i know! i keep waiting for someone to comment on mine, but since i didn't actually tell people i was writing... that isn't going to happen. oh well i'm not really writing for them anyway. typing is just easier than keeping a journal. but i like keeping links to other blogs. it's faster than remembering URLs.